Henry Ashley Goodrich LZJ5-5WS

Someone has entered my great grandfather's family details, duplicating what's already there but omitting some of the children. The original entry, made by my mother several years ago, is correct with correct wife (Ellen Cornelia McCurty) and all of their correct children with their names spelled correctly. How do I delete the duplicate entry without affecting the original? This is not a merge situation; Henry's PIN is the same for both the original and the duplicate entries.
Best Answers
Sometimes, after a merge or other action, a child will be attached twice to the parent. That appears to be the case here. Henry is attached to father Peter twice - once with Mary Susan Cole and once without.
On the link to Henry's profile with just a father and no mother, click the pencil next to Henry's name and choose Remove or Replace under Peter's name.
Other children in the family, attached only to Peter, need to be similarly edited and some may need to be merged.
If you need more help or more details, this article and video may help. https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-correct-parent-child-relationships-in-family-tree3 -
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