Salt Lake City - Family Search Library
Will anyone be visiting the Utah FSL? There is an article in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 95, Number 2, June 2007 submitted by Thomas Knight Burgess that I would like a copy of. It is in a book, call # 973 B2ng, Third Floor at Salt Lake City. I am researching my New England families and this article may be very helpful.
Most sincerely,
I am still looking to see if there is a way to copy an article, but I believe there may be copyright issues due to the NGS. I did see the entire issue for sale for at a reasonable price at the following location National Genealogical Quarterly 2007 Might be faster and a reasonable way to obtain your information.
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Good morning
Just wondering if you went to web site and took a look at the NGS entire edition for sale, or if you had any other ideas to share on how to obtain this article. A recent answer was to have an friend or acquaintance try to go get it for you. If there are any contacts who read this in the community that are near the Library in SLC and can help please respond to Marguerite.
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