Can't see any sources

I am in Family Tree (FT) this morning, and I Can't see any sources for any Person I bring up. This happens on multiple browsers and multiple computers. Is this a new problem?
Same problem here since about an hour ago
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Ditto: using both the Sources tab and tool, it takes about 5 to 15 full seconds for anything to load, and the indexed ones are all missing their sort-by dates. Opening such an indexed source results in another ten seconds of pulsing, and then it comes up with "We are unable to display the record for this source. Please try again later." (Ugh, misuse of the word "record".)
Probably relatedly, an image that I could view perfectly well last night is now coming up as "you don't have permission" using the catalog's viewer, and while the index-editor viewer does show it, it gives multiple error messages.
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I can’t view source material, either. (In my case, they are microfilmed land deeds.)
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I am not having any issues with sources this morning. Hopefully fixed.
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The source problem seems to have been fixed, about 7:30 this morning.
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It is not fixed yet, as of 10:30am EST.
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Working again, as of 11:10am EST.
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Hasonlót tapasztalok Ha rákresek a helyiségre hibakód jelenik meg "Frissitse az oldalt, vagy térjen vissza későpbb"
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Anna Mária, nekem ma már (kopogjuk le) újra működik minden a szokásos módon. Pontosan hol kerestél rá a helyiségre? (És melyik helyiségre?)
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It's doing it again this morning: both the Sources tab and the Sources tool take forever to load anything, and the index information never loads: "We are unable to display the record for this source. Please try again later."
Index detail pages pulse for (quite) a while before going to the error page. ("Something Went Wrong. Unfortunately, something went wrong and we are unable to display the record. Try refreshing the page, or come back later.")
(Silver lining, from my perspective: without the index data, the schoolmarm ["Quality Score"] has nothing to compare things with and is therefore disabled.)
Naturally, Source Linker doesn't work. Its error page is a bit more specific: "Something Went Wrong. Error loading source: /ark:/61903/1:1:[…]". (This was true for every index entry I tried.)
The problem is somewhere in the display process, because Search - Records works as usual. It's just the links/buttons in each result that don't.
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seems to be working again.
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I'm experiencing something similar today when cycling through images of a collection (ex. I get, 'Unable to Display Image. Try refreshing the page, or come back later.' It's like I'm being rate limited after viewing 2-3 archives and reloading the tab doesn't fix the problem. Not possible to do much research like this and clicking on the feedback tab in the sidebar presents this modal:
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The throttling problem is like the whack-a-mole of FS bugs. It keeps popping up.
The Feedback thing, on the other hand, is almost always due to browser add-ons; try turning off any adblockers or popup blockers.
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That worked in Brave with the shields disabled and I sent feedback. However, I tried to browse the image again and got the same error. The viewer is unusable at this point.