BUG REPORT - Another date mangler problem

When the date in an indexed record is incomplete, the information that is presented sometimes produces a date that is impossible.
In the following example, a person baptised in 1818 is given a manufactured birth date in 2002.
Clicking the drop arrow to the right of the date shows the 'suggested' alternatives, of which only one is sensible. So why wasn't it selected as the only credible value ?
Another misleading thing about the dropdown box in the record viewer is its bubble help: if you hover your mouse over the box, the bubble help reads either "Expand Edit History" or "Collapse Edit History". It's not edit history at all; it's a bunch of suggested dates with various centuries, based on whatever incomplete information is in the record. The default date shown in the record viewer is apparently just the first in the list.
When the record gets to the source linker, the same default choice is made, and (in the example case) "August 2002" is displayed for the birth date in the Person of Record birth field. However, if you click Add for that field, the value transferred to the Selected Person and Spouse from Family Tree birth field is "August 0002", i.e. the last entry in the list of suggestions. What would be saved if the source were attached, I've no idea.