Need help with death record for Johann Bergmann - column of survivors

I need help translating the death record for Johann Bergmann.
Johann's death is the second one on the record.
Please translate the column that is the survivors of Johann. His third wife was Karoline Bonn. He did have children with his other 2 wives.
Record can be found at Family search digital film 8021246 image 869.
Thank you for your time, Myke Rachu
Repaired URL, but the image is only available to view at a FamilySearch Center, for a public account. -
I have added the image to the discussion.
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The image is not entirely sharp and therefore difficult to read. Could you please upload a zoomed-in clip of the survivors' column?
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Die Wittwe Karolina Bonn. 1 Tochter erster Ehe Friedericke verehl. Zenken in Giesekow u. 6 Kinder aus 2ter Ehe, nemlich 1stens Henriette verehl. Gesken in Thunow großjährig, 2tens Albert Bergman 28 Jahr in Tessin, 3tens Karl 26 Jahr in Bizicker 4. Johann in Cöslin minderjährig, 5tens Ludewig in Ko_low?, minderjährig, 6 Fritz auf der Klein Sulzper? Mühle minderjährig 7tens 5 minderjährige Kinder aus der dritten Ehe, August in Schessin?, Wilhelmine, Wilhelm Eduart, Ferdinandt.
The widow Karolina Born. 1 daughter from first marriage Friedericke married Zenken in Giesekow (
) and 6 children from second marriage, namely 1. Henriette married Gesken in Thunow ( ), adult; 2. Albert Bergman, 28 years in Tessin ( ); 3. Karl, 26 years in Bizicker ( ); 4. Johann in Cöslin ( ), underage; 5. Ludewig in Ko_low ( ?), underage; 6. Fritz at the Klein Sulzper? mill, underage. 7. Five underage children from the third marriage, August in Schessin? ( ?), Wilhelmine, Wilhelm, Eduart, Ferdinandt.0 -
Thank you very much for the translation.
I appreciate all that the community does do researchers.
Myke Rachu