Bug when clicking on "Gear icon" (Open Tag Settings)

When you have an image file that has been tagged to various people and you click on the "gear icon" (Openm Tag Settings) that is to the right of the names of the people tagged.
Sometimes unexpected things happen
Example 1)
when you click on the gear for the 1st and 2nd tagged names - it sort of works - though I have no idea why it thinks it has to open the viewing window where it does.
if you click on the 3rd item (which happens by chance to be a duplicate of the 1st - it give unexpected results.
Example 2)
clicking on the icon give weird unexpected results that dont show the normal window.
Other times clicking on the gear seems to do nothing at all after various attempts
and then finally ends up with a stack of windows on top of each other when it does eventually pop up.
Again - Pray tell- why do the engineers feel to change something that was never broke before - and only became broke - when they decides to make a bizarre change!!!
I am on a computer using Chrome.
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