How can a second marriage to the same person be added to Family Tree.
I managed to add a second marriage event on the Beta site tree. (Which doesn't guarantee it'll work in the production system, of course). What you have to do is click the link to "+ ADD EVENT" and then add a second marriage event, rather than mess about with the first marriage event, because that can only have one date. Does this help?
Whether or not this process comes up with a sensible user display is another matter. The Profile will only show one date for the relationship, and the tree is similarly limited, whereas I would like to see at least both marriage events.
I did try an alternative idea of adding a second relationship between the bride and groom, which would have its own marriage date, but it just told me that the relationship already existed.
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I usually cite this as the Richard Burton / Elizabeth Taylor syndrome. They married (and divorced) twice. Burton's profile is on MVMY-PBB and if you click the pencil icon for their relationship, you can see that the relationship has 2 marriage events and 2 divorce events - but only if you click the pencil. If you miss the pencil and click the word "Marriage" instead, it purports to give you the Couple Relationship (that's what the box is titled as!) but you only see the first marriage and there's no clue that other events exist.
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I can't find a way to add a 2nd Marriage event. I think Richard Burton's information was added many years ago before Family Tree. It was able to do it then.
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Perhaps you are not following Adrian's advice properly. I tried to add an additional marriage for a couple (who married twice) and the second marriage detail just overwrote the first. Then I realised I hadn't clicked on the "Add Event" option first. When I did that, both events were retained in the Couple Relationship area. BUT - only the earlier dated one gets to be displayed on their Profile pages. AND - you can only see the two events by clicking on the Edit button along the displayed event.
Unfortunately, Family Tree developers have not responded to regular requests to have a "pick list" from which the preferred event" can be chosen for display on the main page(s) - you can't have both displayed! This means, if you want the latter-dated marriage event displayed you have to delete the earlier one! (Yes, very unsatisfactory, isn't it?)
In short, you can easily add two marriage events for the same couple, but clearly seeing this has been done is not so easy.
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@Becky Freeman, as Adrian and Paul have explained, you can add as many marriage events as you have the creativity to invent. :-) ("Creativity" because it will silently fail to save if the new event is identical to an existing one.)
Since including screenshots in this forum still involves jumping through more hoops than I'm willing to figure out, I'll try in just words:
- Go to the Details page of one of the people (or one of their children) and scroll down to the Family Members section.
- Below the couples' names, click the pencil button to the right of their existing marriage. The tooltip should say "Edit Couple: [husband's name] and [wife's name]".
- On the resulting popup, don't click the pencil. Instead, click "+ADD EVENT".
Also as Adrian and Paul have explained, only the earliest event entered on that popup will show on Details pages. To see the full list, you'll need to follow the first two steps above.