Quick Name Review

I cannot find any instructions for it. Why one in blue and another in peach highlights? Why are they spaces with no highlights between. How much do I need to correct? Do you want initials with or without a period. If there is part of a name highlighted in blue then another part of the name and a number highlighted, what do I correct? There are no instructions anyplace that I have looked.
Thank you, but that does not say anything about the blue and peach colors.
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I will look into this and get back to you with what I find out.
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It looks like the different colors help differentiate when there are two names. For example: If there is only one name highlighted, you will only see blue:
If there is more than one name, the first name will be in blue and the second name will be in gold.
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So, @Ashlee C. in your above example, is the correct name Bethene G or just Bethene?
Also Quick Name Review questions (I want to get it right)
What about this? (it's from a West Virginia Deed record saying that Muriel and Wilmer T Halstead bought some property). What is "correct"?
Wilmer Halstead
Wilmer T Halstead
Halstead Wilmer
Halstead Wilmer TAnd what about here, when multiple lines are highlighted?
Herbert H or Alice A
And here, the highlighting completely missed the V, what's correct? Alice H or Alice V H or just Alice?
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I record what is highlighted. This is how I would record your examples.
Example 1: Halstead Wilmer
Example 2: Herbert H Alice A (I agree this one is tricky. But I still record what is highlighted.)
Example 3: Alice H
It is okay that the computer missed some of the letters and names. These will be caught by the Full Name Review later on.