In search of the birth record for Bennett Hirschowitz in Kovno, Lithuania, Russian Empire
Please confirm or correct the surname Hirschowitz in relation to the following info:
Bennett (Binyomin) Hirschowitz birth 15 Dec 1875 in Pikeliai (Pikiele or Pikein) a shtetl in Telsiai County, Lithuania, Kovno, Russian Empire, death in Boston, Massachusetts on 7 Aug 1953
parents Schmuel (Samuel) Hirschowitz birth abt 1839 and wife Svea (Sarah) birth abt 1842
Bennett Hirschowitz surname was changed to Harris before their 1895 move to Hull, England.
Thank you for your time!
@Wendy6791 Hello. You may have better success if you post in the group for Russian Empire Research. There are experienced members in that group who may be able to help.
Best of luck!
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