declaration of intention that is a duplicate

A duplicate of a declaration of intention page in the same batch. What do I with it?
If it is a true duplicate; meaning everything is the same, it will not be indexed. If there is only one entry on the duplicate images, then it will be marked as No, Duplicate Image, then select the image that the current image is a duplicate of (Image 2 is a duplicate of Image 1. You cannot mark Image 1 as a duplicate of any other Images that are in the batch.
If the duplicate document has another document within the image, ie; a Petition that is a duplicate of the Petition that is Image 1, but there is an Oath as Entry 2, then you will only index the Oath.
Keep in mind that a Declaration cannot be a duplicate of a Petition, and vice-versa. The Declaration and Petition are two different steps in the Naturalization process and were often done years apart.2