az 1873 : I I . t.-cz.

A relative who was an NCO and had an igazolány under this statute appeared on a list in 1893 notifying him and many others that their igazolványok had become invalid. The relative was 41, so 17. § c and d would not have applied to him. I am not aware of any convictions and I don't see why anyone would relinquish voluntarily. Could someone please read this statute and see if there is something that would explain this?
I'm working on a rough translation of the statute, but it's a statute about military matters: I feel like it's using two differently-unfamiliar dialects that I'm then trying to translate into dialects of English that I'm also unfamiliar with. (Like, what do English-speaking militaries call their minor officers? I know it's not "under-officer", like what the Hungarian altiszt comes out to….)