Translation Request Czech Birth record

Please help with the translation of this birth record. The date of birth is 17 May 1759, childs name is Anna Dorota Neumam or Dorota Anna Neuman, Father's name is Vaclav and mother's name I believe is Veronika. I am confused about the child's given name I was expecting it to be Dorothea but it appears to be Anna,
This birth record can be found in the Prague Regional Archives in the Parish of Beroun register of births book 7 ,1739-1780, page 257, image 252, record 5. You
Lewis Klapka
In Czech it is usual to have one given name.
In German
There is one more guide:
Her name is Anna Dorota. Try the sound button on to hear how to day it. It is not like our Dorothea.
This site has common surnames but has a crazy name:
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Beroun on the new map and on an old map. Maybe you can figure out the town where they were from Kez_rovklatu or Kezirovklatze/zi. Waczlava's surname looks like Neumova. I did find the surname Neüman in one of the indexes. The wife is Veroniky.0 -
well it's not that uncommon to have two given names in czechia, also she could have been called Dorota and the name Anna was her baptist name which she did not use in everyday life and so it doesn't have to appear in later records or the other way around
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Thanks Jitka. I was using the FamilySearch Czechia Wiki article I posted which said it was not usual but I have found multiple people with two or more people. Because of what the article said I amended my first reply. This is what the article stated, "Surnames[edit | edit source]
Czech names are composed of a given name and a family name (surname). Czechs typically get one given name – additional names may be chosen by themselves upon baptism but they generally use one. With marriage, the bride typically adopts the bridegroom's surname. [1]"