My Impact Feature

I love the new feature. However, the records displayed, that I have indexed and other people have attached to trees or profiles, seem to be limited to the 1950 Census and an Oregon Death records project that I indexed. I did 126,000 records for the City Directories project a few years ago. I am currently indexing the new City Directories project, 1000 records a day. I would like to see the 6400 records that people have attached that I have indexed, not just a few recent ones displayed. The current format makes me feel like much of what I have indexed has never been used. I have indexed 400 hundred thousand records. 90,000 of those were in the UK. Can we at least get a total of each type of attached record by country? Thanks Family Search for an entertaining, useful, and lasting project.
Buenos días @LoisHoutman , gracias por comunicarte a comunidad, te felicito por tu interés en esta obra maravillosa de indexación y por tu trabajo tan dedicado, para responder a tu pregunta si puedes ver el total de los registros que has indexado, intentaré ayudarte enviando un artículo que puede ser de utilidad para ti, se denomina “ ¿Dónde puedo ver cuántos nombres he indexado o revisado?”
La página web Participa así como la aplicación incluyen un panel en el que puede ver un informe de sus aportaciones.
- En el sitio web, puede ver el número de registros revisados e indexados.
- En la aplicación móvil Participa, puede ver el número de nombres revisados.
Además compartiré esté artículo de "¿Cómo encuentro estadísticas de mi participación en indexación y participación?"
Las estadísticas de indexación ahora se combinan con informes de participación. Puedes encontrar las estadísticas de tu participación en las actividades participar en el sitio web y en la aplicación para dispositivos móviles Participar.
Espero haberte ayudado, si es así, por favor te pido lo menciones bajo esta respuesta, si tienes alguna inquietud o no se te ha respondido a tu pregunta, por favor comunícate nuevamente con nosotros.
También te invitamos a que puedas visitar nuestro centro de ayuda para futuras inquietudes que surjan en tu búsqueda.
Me despido afectuosamente
Cecilia Parra
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I don't speak read or write spanish.
I don't have any Participate button on the Family Search site I have access to.
I am not an LDS church member.
I did run this page through the Google translator.
I have no way to get to the "Participate Website". I searched for it on Google and nothing comes up.
I am in North America, Canada spefically.
From the very beginning several years ago, I have looked at all of the user available pages about Indexing and Review. I have been to the Indexing page many hundreds of times.
I have been to the main Get Involved page also, including recently when it was changed. If I press Your Indexing there it takes me to the same page I have always used to Find Projects and view the totals.
I have never indexed anything on a phone or tablet. I use a desktop computer.
Maybe you have some statistics about your work that I can't get to about mine?
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Buen Día Estimado @LoisHoutman, es un gusto poder comunicarme nuevamente contigo, intentaremos ayudarte de la siguiente forma, te enviare un número telefónico de Wsp virtual, donde te atenderá un agente en tu idioma natal.
También puedes agendar una video llamada por Google Meet, es un servicio de comunicación de video, te envió esta información para que agendes una video llamada y el calendario donde deberás elegir un día y horario.
Esperamos haberte ayudado, gracias por comunícate nuevamente con nosotros.
me despido afectuosamente
Cecilia Parra
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Your reply is in Spanish again. I don't speak Spanish. Thank you for trying to help me. If I need further information I will call the support line for English speakers.
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@LoisHoutman When Cecilia is saying Participa, she is using the Spanish name for the Get Involved section of FamilySearch. You are welcome to contact Support using the link Contact Us found in the Help box on every page of both FamilySearch and Community.
You have another post in the Suggest an Idea section of the Community that seems like the same subject. Requests there are sent to the appropriate team. Is there anything beyond that Idea that you need to have addressed?
@ceciliadelcarmendeoateparra1 This is the English portion of FamilySearch Community. You are welcome to post in Spanish but please also provide an English translation for the benefit of the person asking the question.
En Español: Esta es la parte en inglés de la comunidad FamilySearch. Le invitamos a publicar en español, pero también proporcione una traducción al inglés para beneficio de la persona que hace la pregunta.
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Both of my posts about Your Impact were for Suggest an Idea. First I posted on March 2, and again a few days later because my post hadn't shown up in Suggest an Idea. I understand now that Indexing problems show up here, so I should not have included a concern, but just asked for a new feature instead.
I was trying to suggest they give us specific statistical data that they do not give us now.
I will continue to post suggestions for improvements (only) in Suggest an Idea.
By the way, trying to post an idea does not always work. I have had to try several times to get the post to accept.
If I have any indexing issues I will ask you here or call Support.
I am indexing the City Directories without any problems. I am really enjoying that.
This is a great site. Our family has enjoyed the many features and learned a lot.
Thanks for all your help.