Unsharing/Unreserving Names with Temple precess...
There is now a long process to Unshare & Unreserving a name or more than one name when names are shared with the Temple and then if a person decided that they can do the work that is becomes a long process. Is there a way to have this shortened?
Currently, a person has to do one name at a time to Unshare or Unreserve a name. Then Copy their ID number, go into that persons page and Unreserve them, then reserve them again and select the ordinance they want to reserve. It also takes away from the original date that the person was shared or reserved.
I lost 50 names that went back into the bank of names when I thought that when I was unreserving that group of people that they would still be in my group of names that I reserved but NO, they went back into the bank and I didn't have their names or ID numbers written down so I lost them :-(
So, this hard to explain on typing and would like to know if someone can call me so that I can explain it to them so it would or could be a better process and take less time to have this current way to be something of the past and a new way to make it less time consuming.
You can reach me at 209-200-5422. If I am not home, please leave me a message to let me know when a good time to call you back would be and I will make a call back to you. I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.