Swedish Translation: Clerical Survey 1854-1858 in Kyrkheddinge, Malmöhus, Sweden
My direct ancestor is Kirstin (Casty) Peterson, KWV9-XPM, born 29 May 1852 in Bara Parish. Apparently her family moved a lot! She is on the survey in 185401858 in Kyrkheddinge Parish, on page 36 with her parents and siblings. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9Q97-YSBB-9W?i=765&cc=1974200&cat=223600
Two questions: Her father is listed as Henric Persson instead of Petersson, the name passed down through the family. Was that common?
What is the name of the parish where Henric Persson was born?
In looking at the birth record attached to Kirstin it says her father was Henrik Persson, a miller in Wärby. Was Wärby part of Bara Parish? Currently Bara is shown on her person page as her birth place. Should it be changed to Wärby?
Thank you so much for your assistance!
Jake Peterson
Petersson and Persson are basically the same name (Per being a shorter form of Peter). I've seen several instances where similar changes appeared in different records for the same person, e.g. Jonsson/Johansson, Olufsson/Olsson. Names were less fixed in past times.
Because of the strikethrough, Henric's birthplace is difficult to read, but I guess it is Virestad.
Wärby (today spelled Värby) is a location in Bara parish, now close to the modern settlement of Bara (see map below). You should keep Bara as the place of birth as this helps to find the correct parish/church book, and maybe add Wärby as a "Residence" under the "Events" section.