Number of sources under Vitals now always incorrectly shows 0 (zero)?
Noticed this today (9 January 2024). Despite having multiple sources previously tagged, e.g. for Birth, and them still being listed under Sources, the number of sources is 0. Un-tagging and re-tagging the sources does not fix this. It does not affect Events, just Vitals.
For example Edward Thomas Sherlock G7QB-4B5, but it seems to appply to all persons I have checked so far.
Best Answer
This bug just got fixed -- it's showing the source tag counts correctly now on the Details page for persons in Family Tree. There was never any problem with the actual tags -- it was simply a problem with the count reported on Details. The count was correct (as @Julia Szent-Györgyi noted) on the details for each vital.
I was just coming here to report exactly this problem: tag ("source") counts have ceased to function. They report zero regardless of what is or isn't tagged.
I have tried untagging and re-tagging from both directions; nothing changes besides the change log.
0 -
I believe this is fixed now.