Sequential Census page with split record need stitching

In 1930 US Census I have a family record index split on sequential pages (yes someone did not combine the names from the next page to the same family record during index or review). Within the image indexing tool - I'm not seeing an option to stitch the names from the next page into the family group on the former page (I thought there used to be this option but am not seeing it now. Drag names doesn't seem to be the solution?). The feedback link refers here - therefore I am unable to alert anyone other than through Community. I would rather not delete and recreate names from either or both image index if that can be avoided. If you are able to stitch the two pages together so that the record becomes one - message me for record reference. Thank you.
Any chance of a link?
Drag Names does not seem to work across pages, no, but I believe I have been able to combine a family by editing the relationships of the principal, using the "Is the information on another page?" drop-down to get to split-screen mode for it.
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When I tried split-screen mode it was 'view only' for me and thus doesn't allow 'moving' the names to the previous page family group. I will wait for someone who can stitch the names to give a link. Thank you.
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To further complicate this issue - in my attempts to join the family record from both pages - it appears that the index for the family has been removed (which I did not do - I saved my changes at each step). I really don't know why this has happened. Oh well, I guess whomever eventually gets around to this will fix it...
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No, you don't drag or move anything. You click the edit pencil for the head's relationships, use the "another page?" link/button to open the following page so you can see the relationships that you need to add, then you click the "Add Or Remove Fields" link/button. You get a popup, where you click bubbles until you have the necessary number of the necessary fields at the top, then you click save, and then fill in the drop-downs with the indexed people that go with those relationships.
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No. Having checked again - yes - I can view only the next page image in split-screen mode - without the index.
Even if I add a field it does not allow the next page index to appear in the previous page's indexed data drop down - to select the appropriate person for that field.
For example, if I want to add a Child - I add the Child field. Then when selecting that field I only see the index headings IN THIS RECORD and IN THIS IMAGE - there is no index for PREVIOUS/NEXT IMAGE.
I suspect - having done a bit in the worldwide US 1950 indexing project - that whomever indexed these pages did not include the names of the family on the next page with the family record. Oops.
Only someone that can stitch the record back together will be able to add the family from the next page - as far as I can see. Maybe the 1930 Census record you selected behaves differently? If so - that would mean someone is fixing/reviewing records? But no - I don't get the option to select the index/person from another page.
Interestingly the old image viewer index has the changes I made to the index in the new image viewer - but the changes disappeared from the new image viewer.
I have left Feedback for engineers - hopefully they can view/correct the issue.
Thank you.
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Hmmm, just playing around here and re-learning the new viewer indexing data edit option process (quite involved).
It appears ... if you do not see an index for persons in the Census - yes - you can Add them, highlight them (some on split-page/screen mode - I couldn't highlight them all), then and only then can you add the needed relationships.
At least that is what I am seeing at this point.
... and then after all that editing- poof - it disappears again! frustrating.
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@genthusiast, "someone that can stitch the record back together" is you and me. Or is supposed to be you and me.
However, the "Add" button doesn't work, or didn't, about a month ago ( Whatever is causing that problem may also be breaking the relationship-adding function, but since you still haven't given a link to an example that needs to be fixed this way, and I am insufficiently motivated to go looking for one, I cannot test if it still semi-works the way I half-remember it doing.
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The Add button worked ... sort of, temporarily - but then the problem of communicating those additions/edits to the index appears to be breaking and causing the index to disappear.
For example, as I said - originally those edits were made ... then poof- they disappeared the specific person index from the new image viewer - however the edits were transferred to the old image viewer. So on my subsequent attempt I added the entire family group specifying household id and number of family members (specific census additional data one can add). However, I was not able to highlight all family members in split-screen mode. Once this group was created I added the appropriate relationships. I thought I had done a pretty good job ... but then ... Poof all that work disappeared and the old image viewer does not contain those edits either.
Without knowledge of what is going on in the background all I can do is what I have done - submit the issue to the engineers via the Feedback button - which by the way was another issue with Chrome 119 - updated to 120 - I had to clear cache via the slider control icon (in address bar, left of URL, site settings) - before the emoticons would appear, etc (it appears my old browsing had to be cleared before the Feedback button would operate). The detailed capabilities to edit index data have been released but do not appear to be currently operable. I guess I can be glad someone in the future can do what I want to do now.
An example of a split family record in 1930 US Census:
Oscar Hunter family bottom of page
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genthusiast gave "An example of a split family record in 1930 US Census:"
Oscar Hunter family bottom of page
Oy. I think this one's subject to every method of messing up that the current version of the new index editor has (so far) come up with: the Hunter family is entirely missing from the index panel on both images, and attempts to add and connect the family fail. (They appear to work, but the changes aren't saved.)
I'm certain that the family was indexed, originally, but someone tried to correct something in the index, which caused the should-be-a-dealbreaker error, wherein edits are actually equivalent to deletion: first the entry becomes restricted ("we can't show this to you"), and then it disappears.
When I added Mary L Hunter to image 1127, and then went back to 1126 and did split-screen mode to put her in her family, her name was there in the drop-down, all the way at the bottom. Attempts to correct her principal status, however, failed, because that opened a new instance (in another tab), i.e. it was functionally equivalent to a refresh -- which lost all of my edits. Back on the original tab, I was able to page forward to Mary L's image, where another invention of the editor was in evidence: her name was doubled. (I did not manage to get a screenshot of that.)
As can be seen in the screenshots, the "Latest Changes" section is utter trash -- it bears no relation to reality.
And a new weirdness: I did not close the tab where the additions appear to have worked, and went to Mary L's entry from it -- which is now showing things like her age and birthplace that I did not enter (knowing that it wouldn't be saved anyway).
In other words, yes, she was indexed, and she's still there somewhere in the database, but she only shows if you manage exactly the right sequence of magic incantations.
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I see you have duplicated the problem. Hopefully this will be corrected by engineers.
Thank you.
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I will pass this on
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I think I have a similar problem. The 1950 US Census of Audubon County, Iowa did not appear to have the households divided up into separate records. I went to the first page and started separating the households into separate records. It was very finicky--my changes (creating a new record from the head of household, dragging the rest of the members into that records, and then assigning relationships) were challenging and frequently did not save, even though it looked like they had worked. I had to keep reloading the page after each change to verify that it had stuck.
Then, the trouble really began. The last entry on the first page (Mary A Tibben) was a head, but she had one daughter (Helen H Tibben) on the second page ( Somehow, after creating a new record for Mary, adding Helen as her daughter, and deleting an entry that said "no one at home," the entire rest of the indexing on the second page disappeared--COMPLETELY GONE, even though I never deleted all of those names/entries. The only entry remaining on that page is the one for Helen H Tibben, which is part of the record for the previous page.
The subsequent pages still seem to have all of the entries, although they are a mess and not in separate records. It seems like the entire pages are combined into one record. I have no idea what happened, but it is a bit disturbing that an entire page would disappear.