Need ID# in Search Helps
In "Search Helps", in the left column is a name, in the right column is a page icon. It would help if next to the name and next to the icon was the ID#. Very often, I click on the page icon only to see that the source is already attached. If the name and the icon showed the ID#, I could easily see who the source is already attached to. If it is my person, I can skip it. If no ID, I can review it. If the ID is different than the person I am searching, I may need to review it; it may be a duplicate, or an error. Ideally, such should be highlighted.
The main reason this is import is I don't have time! Unlike, those who are retired or who have few other obligations, I work full-time and have a family to care for. My time is limited and I want the time I spend doing family search to be productive. When I open a source only to find it is already attached to the person I am searching, my time is wasted. Please, this will help everyone!!!