Update to Family Name Cards for Temples • FamilySearch

Family name cards for doing proxy temple ordinances have a newly updated design. Find details here...
When will the new cards be printable?
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The cards now print with the new check box.
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What are the policies on posting complete ordinance cards on social media? Recently I noticed someone posting them on Facebook and I was thinking this was against Church policy, but I could not find any actual rule in the handbook or anywhere on the Church website or on the Facebook website. To me it's like not posting video of the administration of the sacrament online.
I like the check box though.
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There isn't any policy for social media. On FamilySearch we ask that members not post ordinance information, patriarchal blessings, and other info in the public places in Family Tree.
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Can you please make the temple card dimensions 3.5 x 5 inches again?
It is less likely for cards to be missed when sorting through them and while doing groups of ordinances in the temple if they are all the same size.
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I just wish that whoever is in charge of designing the temple name cards, would get rid of the solid black background on the male card. I love printing the cards at home and throughout the years I have spent lots of money on black ink. It is time to get rid of it soon. The female and the couple temple cards, do not have the solid black ink, why should the male card have it?
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I actually like the black background where is says male. It makes it easier to seperate them when i am in a hurry. If you are concerned about the black ink you could print them at your local Family Search Center for free, or use a digital copy. If you use a digital copy you do not have to use any ink and the Temple can scan it right from your device. They can even print it there if you wish to get your card back. If you choose to have it printed at the Temple I would suggest you allow a little extra time for them to do it when you get there. Also call ahead to make sure the Temple you are going to can print it to be safe.😀
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Yes! Great move.
Patrons need to learn how to use the QR code system on their phones to eliminate the need to print. Im certain we are all full tithe payers and this service is certainly a blessing for me and those who do not have printers. I can sent a code to my patrons who I help and they go to temple with them to print out. Makes sense.
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in a recent email from a fellow sealer on one of my sealing shifts he expressed frustration felt my some (perhaps many) sealers with the design of the new family file card. Here’s what he wrote:
“As I officiate each proxy sealing session, I’m focused first on the patrons and their needs, second on doing the ordinance correctly and in a spiritof love and reverence, third on those living in the spirit world for whom the ordinances are being performed, and last on the initial recording of the ordinance, which is adding the red checkmark. Of all available locations for a patron-specific check mark on a family name ordinance card, the worst possible location is right next to the checkbox for the sealer’s use. The result is too many sealing ordinances must be re-done on a subsequent sealing shift, often the next day. This creates more time-consuming work for the sealers and for those who serve in the temple recorders’s office.”
Consideration be given to revisiting the new design and finding a better location on the family file card for the patron checkbox.
Many thanks.
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Please contact your temple president and share these concerns. He can share them with the temple department who authorized this change on the family ordinance cards.
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Why is my name no longer on the ordinance cards I am taking to the temple? I understand that for privacy reasons my ward is no longer there, but they have also removed my name. It makes it difficult for me to share name cards with others
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Sorry, it is my wife's cards I am referring to because mine still have my name printed on them. Hers don't, though they are printed under her account. Is there a check box in her account that might have been ticked by accident that is causing that to happen?
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@Shaw George Ian1
Please see this Help Center article for turning on/off the user's name on ordinance cards:
How do I print a family name card without my name?