US New York NAT RECORDS PART E. I am uncertain if I indexed the name correctly for
in Indexing
images 1 & 2. The name was typed as Carlos Perez, but the name under which he entered the US was Carlos Manuel De Jesus Perez y Montero.
This is how I indexed image 1. GN: Carlos or Carlos Manuel de Jesus
SN: Perez or Perez y Montero
This is how I indexed image 2. GN: Carlos Manuel or Carlos Manuel de Jesus
SN: Perez or Perez y Montero Is this correct?
de is part of the surname.
I would index this as
GN: Carlos Manuel
SN: Perez or de Jesus Perez y Montero
From the link below:
"de (of)", "y (and)", and "e (and)"
- In Spanish, the preposition particle "de" ("of") is used as a conjunction in two-surname spelling styles, and to disambiguate a surname, e.g. Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, Pedro López de Ayala, and Vasco Núñez de Balboa, as in many conquistador names.
- In the sixteenth century, the Spanish adopted the conjunction "y" ("and") to distinguish a person's surnames, e.g. Luis de Góngora y Argote or Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes. The conjunction '"y" avoids confusion when the paternal surname might appear to be a given name. Without it, the Santiago Ramón y Cajal might appear to be named Santiago Ramón and surnamed Cajal, when actually his given name is Santiago and Ramón y Cajal is his surname.
- When the maternal surname begins with an "i" vowel sound (written with I, Y, Hi + consonant), Spanish substitutes "e in place of y", e.g. Eduardo Dato e Iradier.[2]