What goes in the given name box for an infant without one?

The twin sister was born and died the same day. She had no given name. I've seen the word "Miss" in that box to indicate a female. What's the right way to do this? Thanks!😀
I've not come across a "Miss" before but I have seen "Baby" and "Infant". While I wouldn't delete any of these, when I have to create a profile like this I leave the given name blank. There's no need to "indicate" the sex because there is a field where this can be stated (when known).
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I allways use NN if no name is given. NN (correct would be N.N. though) stands for "nomen nescio", Latin for "I don't know the name". In Europe this is the most common way for genealogists.
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"Baby boy Smith"; "Stillborn Smith", "Infant girl Smith" to name a few that are on some of my ancestors. When I find cemetery records, which I have stumbled across recently because of some specific research I'm doing, I will put the exact name used in the record, which I presume is what is on the tombstone. I have a 3rd cousin who does the same.
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I'm with Colin: it she wasn't named, then she shouldn't have a name entered. I don't think I'd necessarily change it if I encountered a profile that another researcher had done as "NN" or "Infant" or some such, but it'd bug me, because as Lars says, "NN" is essentially Latin for "unknown", but the name is not unknown: it is known to not exist.
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FS instructions say to leave it blank if there is no name. https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/enter-a-person-with-an-unknown-name
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Thank you all for your help. Someone had put the letter "F" to indicate the infant was female. I deleted that to leave the box blank. Her sex was already marked as female. When I printed the temple card, it came out as "Miss Erickson."
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I'm fine with leaving a name blank when you have a source which says no name was given. But when you have a source which does state the name as "Infant girl Smith", I say match the source.