Users cannot read or add comments on a blog post

Conversation regarding the Blog post
I would enter feedback on that blog article - except I see no Feedback option on that page. Right at the bottom is a bit that says "Permission Problem - You don't have permission to do that." Whether that's where the Feedback facility should appear, I don't know.
Update: "except I see no Feedback option on that page"
I thought I'd cracked it - I got the feedback box using Android on my phone, so I copied most of what I'd said above, hit the enter key - and got "Permission Problem - You don't have permission to do that."
Anything that I would like to say at this point would probably get me banned by the mods - but it's not a good look is it?
I've tried Android on my phone, Firefox from Windows, and Chrome from Windows. All leave "Permission Problem etc" at that place. (I just tried Edge as well - still the same issue)
Sorry! 😔
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I have the same problem as @Adrian Bruce1.
Yes, I'm signed in; if I scroll all the way up, it says my name in the top right corner.
I am ...impressed by the article's "they will remain signed in for a time". That's a masterpiece of appearing to say something while actually saying absolutely nothing.
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Can you see my comments now, Adrian? I can't see them any more - although I only did see them immediately after posting. Blog comments always used to get moderated after that.
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@Paul W asked
"... Can you see my comments now, Adrian? I can't see them any more ..."
No. And yes.
I can see nothing using Firefox from Windows. I can see your comment, Paul, and only your comment, in Chrome from Windows. This is what I see from Chrome (at least it was a few minutes ago - I guarantee nothing about a few minutes in the future):
Compared to this from Firefox:
However - notice one thing about the Firefox shot (though it's similar on Chrome). This is page ONE of THREE. All 3 pages are identical and all 3 belong to the same Blog article. No, they aren't 3 different blog articles, they're 3 pages worth of comments on the same blog article. So - are the other comments all there and we are being forbidden visibility?
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By the way - yes, I tried to Leave A Comment in Chrome - got asked to log in with the new screen, even though I was already logged in via the old method - yes, I'm still getting the old logon screen. Even when I completed the new logon, the blog comments all vanished in favour of the Permission Problem.
@Paul W - as I expected, I now can't see your comment on that blog.
Is this something to do with my logon screen still being the old one, i.e. not the one at the very top of this thread? Surely the coding should be compatible for something as basic as the blog?
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Interesting. I just tried my three browsers - Chrome, Firefox and Edge - and am getting the "Permission Problem" issue regardless of which I am using, so not being able to see my comments, of course.
Ah, found I way of seeing my comments: I copied the link to the Blog article into the URL field and without being signed-in could read my comments!
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@Paul W discovered:
"... I copied the link to the Blog article into the URL field and without being signed-in could read my comments! ..."
And that trick works for Firefox as well...
So, let me get this straight - to read comments on a blog about a change in sign-in policy, you must NOT be signed in. 😏
PS - I mentioned above that I could still get in via the old screen. When I did sign-in earlier today, I got the new multi-coloured sign-in screen (and still couldn't see the blog comments).
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As someone who appears to have connections to the Blog section of FamilySearch, I wonder if you could respond to (or at least escalate the matter) of why Comments can apparently only be seen / read if one is not logged in? I made comments below the article in question, but they are not visible to me (and others) once signed in!
I could understand it if it were the other way round, but only being able to make / read comments while not signed in seems rather strange.
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I've passed this along to others to work on figuring out a solution. Stay tuned.
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Mod note: A comment was edited due to code violations, which required quotes from and references to that comment to be edited for clarity.