Why the anomaly when it comes to Temple matters?

It seems strange that the Temple category in now restricted in access to LDS accounts when there continue to be a large number of topics raised, relating to such matters, under Suggest an Idea.
I was quite okay in having the choice of viewing Temple / ordinance related matters from my public account, as it would sometimes make me think twice about making a change which would be fine for me, but perhaps not work so well as far as my "LDS colleagues" were concerned.
From another perspective, perhaps some "non-LDS" users find it uncomfortable to have to work through a whole load of items under Suggest an Idea, which they feel have no relevance to them whatsoever.
Perhaps someone could review the apparent inconsistency here.
Best Answer
I agree, the Suggest an Idea category is unnecessary. IMO suggestions should grow out of the various discussion categories.
As I recall, Paul, there were some members who were distressed because Temple matters they considered private were public in the Community. Anything posted in this Community is not private and can be found almost immediately in a general internet search.
I've seen the suggestion - one I support - that the Temple group have a separate "Suggest an Idea" category.
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Whether temple suggestions should be in Ideas or in the Temple category has been under consideration. If you have an opinion, I can certainly pass that on to those that make that call.
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Personally, I think that it is a good idea to have a separate "Temple Group " category. When using FamilySearch, only members can view "Ordinances" whereas non members cannot, When using Knowledge Articles, the same applies. Anything Temple related can only be seen by members,
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@Maile L, I would rather temple suggestions be placed in the current Temple Category at: https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/temple
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Maybe this is too radical, but I would vote to eliminate the Suggest an Idea category completely:
- It's a particular problem for temple suggestions, since all suggestions are public (unlike the Temple category). As long as the Suggest an Idea option exists, we will get ordinance-related suggestions that really shouldn't be in the public area.
- It leads to posts that are not categorized, and thus not grouped with similar posts.
- It frequently leads to duplicate posts where someone asks a question and then copies and pastes their question into a suggestion. Duplicate discussions of a single topic are never helpful.
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A number of "Suggest an Idea" posts are not suggestions but questions/complaints. And many suggestions are for features that already exist but the poster doesn't realize it.