How to add more than one person at a time to my RootsMagic tree, from FamilySearch

Hi. I have RM9. When I find a new person using the link to FamilySearch, I can add that person successfully. But is there a way to add that person AND their descendants? That would be nice!
Hi John You should contact Roots Magic for an answer to this question. Here is the link to their support.
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I have RM8 and can choose any person on Family Search and any number of generations to download.
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I'm glad you figured it out for you. I have RM9 and when I go to the RM in left column and FS in right column, when on the FS side, when I click on the little box next to the fact that I want copied to the RM side, it pops up a window that asks me what I want to do with it. Which is fine, but it only copies one fact about the person at a time, it doesn't let me check which facts I want and then copy them over all at once. I can't see anything that lets me copy several people's info at once. See images below.
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to download people, I'm in the 'find matches' function.
thanks for any light on this,