Images for St Agnes, Cawston, Norfolk, England

This problem has been going on for some time. I am not happy about this, I did indexing for you, as I wanted to make more Records freely avaiable to everyone. But everytime I click on the image I want to see. I am taken to Find My Past. I fell for their premium package, which was not cheep, this package was supposed to give me access to every-thing and all was fine while I stayed in a certain area. But when I followed my relation in his move from life in England to Edwards County Ilinois. I was met with a demand for more money. One of the Films I indexed for you was St Agnes, Cawston, Norfolk, England. Their were pages in this that had been filmed, which the pages being in very poor condition, only six things on the ripped and mangled page could be read. To my surprise two of my own relations were on this page. I wrote one out fully but only partially the other. I went back to this film last week, only to find that their is a tremendous large gap in the film, that page does not show any-more, other pages that wre in bad shape, but had been filmed are also not there, even though they could be read. I believed in what the Church was doing giving people the chance to find their families. Have you used an ordinary computer to search for Family Search on Google. When I say ordinary, I mean not one connected to the Church, perhaps one at an ordinary local Library. You probally have not, or you would find that you have to go down at least four or even five pages before you find the real Family Search site. You might be lucky to find it sooner. But Ancestry, Find My Past and someothers are all trading under Family Search, which is wrong. I now fully can understand, everytime I mention FamilySearch I am told I am a fool. You see they all keep saying that you are Ancestry and Find My Past. I do not use these sites, because of the ordeals I have had with them over their demands for money, for just wanting to view one Baptism. I only use Family Search, but now it seems I cannot even look at baptisms on your site, because of an agreement you have with these companies. I think this is appauling you are turning your back on helping people find their way.
Margaret Silva Family History Specialist since 1970