Re-attach a source
How can I re-attach several sources that were incorrectly detached. Some I created, so they will be in my Source Box, but some I did not create. Do I need to copy them to my Source Box and attached them from there?
Best Answers
You should be able to re-attach from the Change Log. It kind of works backwards from how you expect, because you don't undo the detachment, you re-do the attachment. To do this, you have to find not the recent action where the source was detached, but the earlier action where it was originally attached. That earlier action should have a "Restore" button/link next to it; click that to put the source back where it was.
(You get to the Change Log by clicking "Show All" at the bottom of the Latest Changes box, in the right-hand column of the profile's Details page.)
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Thank you, Julia! Your suggestion will be much easier, hopefully. I was disappointed that I didn't see a "re-attach" button in the Change Log. I didn't think of going back to where it was originally attached.