Search 'Highlight All' Inconsistent Results
I'm working in Loving, Young, Texas for a Jack Smith born in June 1929. Jack appears to be a nickname but it on his headstone. My narrowed search gave me nothing useful so I broadened it.
I searched for-- Last Name: Smith, Sex: Male, Birthplace: Texas, United States, Birthyear From: 1929; BirthYear To: 1929, and in the Records options at the bottom of the right column I also restrict it to : United States / Texas
I get a list of 5,368 people.
At the bottom of the first search page, I make sure I am showing 100 entries at a time, key in 'June' for my search term, and click the 'Highlight all' box.
Two entries highlighted. Looks good. Is accurate.
Now I go to the bottom of the page and tell it to give me the next screen load of 100 entries.
And clicking on the blue 'right arrow' works!
But looks odd because I have the exact same number of 'Highlight all' entries.
So I unclick the 'highlight all' button.
Now nothing is highlighted; however, the number of matches is now 4 of 4.
And when I click the 'highlight all' button, I do get 4 entries highlighted.
I go back to the bottom of the page, and click the left button to go back to the first page of results.
And the resulting page gives me.. the old results of '4 matches' from the previous screen and no highlighting for the 'June' entry, bottom row.
But if I unclick and re-click the 'Highlight All' button, the number of matches gets corrected to '2' and the highlighting shows back up. (June is highlighted on bottom row.)
There is a problem.
I tried other words, other record counts, and other counties. Always occurs.
Best Answer
well duh ! I'm sitting here late last night thinking there was a new feature added. You'll probably have to tell me six more times before it sinks in.
But it would be nice to have such a feature so you could reduce the search space by a custom word rather than only the sanctioned search methods on the right column.
Sorry to bother you and thanks very much for pointing out the obvious to me without being cruel.
Search and "Highlight All" are features of your browser, not a feature of FamilySearch.