Help Ukraine saints with temple work.
Access to the Temple in Ukraine is limited. We have a good sister in our temple district who is doing proxy work for some friends she met in Ukraine while on her mission. Perhaps more could be done. My idea is to provide a way to upload genealogy data owned by Ukraine members into a special (new?) space that could be accessed by many members through a modified Ordinance Ready tool where the members can specify that they want Ukraine data.
That is my basic Idea. I heard of one Ukraine saint with a database of 18,000 names. With the Temple 12 hours away by a dangerous bus ride, this begs to be helped.
I am sure that the basic idea needs development by FamilySearch programmers to make it feasible. And it should be done really well so that heavy access will not blow it up. It should also be done so that Saints in other countries could have their data uploaded and accessible from the Ordinance Ready tool.
There will obviously need to be some checks for uniqueness or duplicates. The data may need to be sent through Indexing to improve it to Temple Standards. You will know best what needs to be done. My idea may not fit well with the established FamilySearch framework. I am sure it will need to be fleshed out alot!
Thank you
Russell Clark
I attend the Temple 5 days a week most weeks.
Encourage them to put all their family into FamilySearch and share any needed ordinances to the shared temple list. They will get done.
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