To be discontinued July 17: FamilySearch Library Record Lookup Service

Just seen on the FamilySearch Library website
FamilySearch Library Record Lookup Service. To be discontinued July 17
This is due to the rapidly diminishing supply of microfilm from the Granite Mountain Vault.
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@mitchellcolinian1, no, the Granite Mountain films have nothing to do with the lookup service. That's just a coincidentally-timed other announcement on the library's page: films will no longer be requestable from the vault after Saturday. (The lookup service ends on Monday.)
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The reason provided for the discontinuation of the service is that it was introduced at the time of the Covid-19 outbreak. I have never taken advantage of the service myself, but do find it sad that those not in a position to get to a local FSC (many of us) or those unable to attend the FamilySearch Library (most of us) will now have to miss out on getting details that have proved of great help in their research.
However, I know some who have used the service have found inconsistency in responses to provision of the requested material. Perhaps this has caused FamilySearch some grief, too, as they have struggled in determining what information can be shared and that which cannot be released, due to the restricted status of certain of its holdings.
I am intrigued by the bit at the bottom of the article (with link) that says, "If your FSC is not yet open or is far away, please let us know." I wonder if this might lead to the reopening of centres, or opening of new ones, if there appears to be sufficient user demand?
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To clarify, the Record Lookup Service doesn't/didn't rely on microfilm, in any case, since microfilm has been digitized.
AFAIK, the primary use for microfilm, in recent months, has been for those researchers who visit the Library in Salt Lake who prefer to scroll through microfilm instead of viewing the digital images. During the COVID closure, the library was given an update, with new furniture, computers, and more. They gave an excellent online presentation about the updates, and the comment was made in that presentation that microfilm readers were kept for those who preferred to view the films instead of viewing digital.
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As the link I gave in the original post will probably disappear soon, here is the archived link from the Internet Archive
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Well, @Paul W, you know if you ever need/want a record retrieved that is only available at an FSC or affiliate library, you only have to ask.