How to correct errors in an indexed record
At one point in time, I remember volunteering to do indexing work and I don't seem to be able to report indexing errors.
I have found several indexing errors that need to be brought to light.
There appears to be a translation or transcription error in these records.
Bayview Orange, Florida appears to be a transcription error, possibly related to the death of the father Sam Gunyah in 1923 at Bayview New Zealand.- wge
Upon further research, it appears that the Bayview New Zealand location for Sam Gunyah is in ERROR as well.
The proper location for this indexing error is known as "Bayview VILLAGE" in Klawock, or the Prince of Wales region of Alaska.
In the past a person performing indexing work, could make an on-line correction, which no longer appears to be the case.
- Greg -
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@G4344, that's the 1920 U.S. census index and is user-correctable. On the Family Tree profile's sources page, click the source title to expand it. You can either scroll down to the Indexed Information section and click the "Edit" button in its top right corner, or you can click the link to open the index detail page in another tab, and click the "Edit" button in the middle of the black stripe at the top.
The 1920 U.S. Census index still has the old, limited index correction tool: only some fields are available for editing, fields or entries cannot be added or removed, and relationships between fields cannot be changed. I'm sure the new "edit everything" tool will be rolled out to it fairly soon, but in the meantime, you just have to keep in mind that the index is not the data. It just makes it easier to find the image where the data actually is.
Oh, and: availability of index corrections does not now and did not at any time in the past have any relationship to the user's other activities on FamilySearch.
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These aren't really human indexing errors, they are errors with the computerized standardization of places.