What are the Most Famous Brazilian Names? • FamilySearch

What are the Most Famous Brazilian Names? • FamilySearch
Brazilian names have a huge diversity and often have African, Portuguese, Spanish, Germanic, and indigenous origins.
The list of Portuguese names is all wrong. Manual should be Manuel. Also the other four names are not Portuguese, André, João and Margarida are (and they are the direct translation of Andrew, John and Daisy). These are serious mistakes, it should be corrected.
The list of French names also does not make sense.
And the longer list of most common surnames in Brazil also has names that are a direct translation of the surnames in Portuguese - like Lime (should be Lima), Coast (should be Costa), Brook (should be Ribeiro), and Oak (should be Carvalho).
This article is serious flawed. No research was done or correlation was missing. Please change it ASAP
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Thank you for catching these errors. We will get the article fixed quickly.