Printing from RootsTech notification

I was notified of relatives through RootsTech. there are lengthy ancestor trees but it was an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie font. There is no way to print it - won't let you highlight, copy and paste or do a Control P after enlarging, as it goes back to the tiny font. It isn't going to be of any value if I can't save or print so I can find lineages without repeatedly going back to the email and getting back into my tree. May I have some suggestions, please? Thank you.
Try Print Screen or Snip and Sketch
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Thank you, but I do not know where "Print screen" or "Snip and Sketch" are.
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Both of these are part of the operating system - how they work depends on what operating system you use. You should be able to do a google search for the correct instructions for your system. Otherwise post again here.