Fix Recents

I have noticed that recents is not really include recents any more. When I click on it, the most recent people I have viewed are not there. In fact, they are people I may have viewed a day previously. Is it possible to fix this so it will be as it used to be before the update?
I should mention that I notice this when I am acting as a helper
If the person you are helping browses those same people (when logged in under their account) - are they added to Recents in Helper view?
Are you helping the person remotely or side-by-side/in person? If in person - it might be helpful for the helpee to browse on the next computer (if available) - that way - I would think what they browse to would show in Recents? If remotely and you are having the problem - I would not know why - if you are browsing the same tree/persons they should show up in Recents.
Recents may have a slight delay - you could try refreshing the page. But I think the problem is probably related to the permissions granted to the Helper account versus the Helpee account. Having two computers open - Helper/Helpee - and browsing the same people should resolve the problem.
Helpers are generally focused on educating or dealing with Helpee specific issues. If I am helping with a specific PID - I know where to focus the help session - and might not need to use Recents? As such - maybe the assumption is that Recents would not need to be updated in Helper mode? If the help session is more general and one needs to browse the tree significantly - then yes I can see how using Recents might be desired.