Name Review (not Indexing) - Name is labelled incorrectly as Given Name or Surname

When a name is incorrectly labelled as a Given Name but it is really a Surname (or vice-versa), how do we change the label to show the correct classification of the name?
(These are western names, not from another culture where given names, last names, family names, etc. follow a different tradition.)
I have the same question as above. I have searched everywhere and read the FAQ help information and watched the YouTube video but nothing addresses the issue. Here is an example of the name box with the heading "Given Name" when it is actually a surname. The entire surname is actually Fernandez Merayo and Fernandez also comes up as "Given Name".
Thank you for any feedback :)
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Why are there no responses to any posts asking this same exact question? It seems like a common issue, but I can't find any answers either.
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Thanks for your comment mayimagpie. I don't know why there seems to be no answer to this question. I have given up reviewing these names as I don't want to be part of disseminating incorrect information.
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I believe I may have an answer. When the A.I. identifies a surname as the given name, that is of course inaccurate, but there is a feature to report such mistakes. Click on the "Transcription Error" button, located in the lower right corner of the screen on the webpage. If you are using the FamilySearch Get Involved app, tap on the report flag icon (right above the ">> Unsure" button), then select "Incorrect highlight" from the list that appears.
When you report a transcription error, it will skip reviewing that particular name (just like as if you had selected "Unsure"), and will provide a report to the FamilySearch staff which will allow them to fix the error and improve the algorithm.