Suggest a new place - no 'townland' category ?

Familysearch's standardised placenames include some, but by no means all, Irish townlands as a level below civil parishes:
The main townlands associated with my ancestors are not on the list, so I wish to suggest their addition.
However, townland is not one of the available categories.
What is the recommended way for me to proceed ?
(P.S. a subsidiary question. I tried to add 'townland' as a tag but it says 'no results', and I can't seem to create a new tag)
Best Answer
For additions to the Places database that cannot be handled through the Suggest A New Place function, the best thing to do is to join and post the request in the FamilySearch Places group at: That group is monitored by people that work on the database.
Townland may fall in the category of a "larger parent place" that cannot be added through that form.
"Townland may fall in the category of a "larger parent place" that cannot be added through that form"
It shouldn't , @Gordon Collett - it's right at the smallest end of land-divisions in Ireland.
Given that Castlemacadam (to take this example) has 3 townlands within it in the Places database, I'd have expected Townland to be one of the available Categories. I'd suggest that any Category that's actually been used, should be available on that form - unless there are some categories that they want to work towards removing?
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Asked again on the Places group as suggested