I adjusted my page to better fit my needs

As I listened to Russell M Nelson’s talk this last weekend on ridding our lives of contention and anger I did not realize how timely his message was considering the roll out of the new FamilySearch format the very next day. I’ve thought of his words as I’ve tried to work with this update and have found myself turning away from it often to calm down by watching the News. Now, that’s saying something. After considering stepping away from many years of daily family research I decided that first, I should try to solve for myself some of the issues I was experiencing.
Because I know I will not use all that the new site offers I needed to clear away what I saw as clutter. I have been able to get rid of some of the chaos before me by closing NOTES, LATEST CHANGES, BRIEF LIFE HISTORY, OTHER RELATIONSHIPS, and turned off UNFINISHED ATTACHMENTS (under Options on Source Page). For me, this has alleviated some of the slog I felt I was wading through. I am still looking for a way to make the clutter of EDIT PENCILS disappear. And while the new VIEW RELATIONSHIPS tab would probably “wow” Primary age children, in its current state it is silly and unhelpful for what I use it for. I would love to have an option added to tone it down to something useful.
To the committee of four who have patiently and faithfully answered questions, and served as tireless cheerleaders for this change, thank you for your efforts. Please keep in mind however, that many of those you responded to are not doddering old fools less adept at navigating the digital world than you, but are often accomplished, thoughtful, meticulous and thorough researchers who also volunteer their time to this great work. We, of course, knew that this change was coming and from time to time I did check out the page to see how it was progressing. I did not take the time to wade through all that I was looking at and quickly toggled back to the previous version so I could get back to work. I can see now that I should have weighed in but I did not think the test version would ever stand. My mistake.
I do know that FamilySearch, by necessity, must grow and change with the times in order to accomplish the tremendous work ahead and I have no doubt that this update has been guided and directed by those with great wisdom and foresight. I am grateful to be a part of all that we do. And here’s to hoping that we can move forward with more grace and less contention.
Thank you for your comment. I loved President Nelson's talk. There is a group in the community specifically for sharing feedback about the New Person Page. If you have suggestions for improvements, you can still make them in that group. Maile🙂