Correcting misinformation

States Willis fredene Childers October 7 1935 to June of2011. Willie Fredene Childers was a female not male fr Sylvester ga and daughter of Fred Marion Childers who died in 1969 leaving behind spouse Wilma Childers. Fred Marion Childers is rachel adel Garrett's son who is part of the Henry Duvall ancestry. Willie Fredene Childers had two sons Franklin ray childers who died in 1989 in worth county Georgia and william Ralph Childers who died December of 2018 from Sylvester Georgia. Please correct Willis to Willie and correct fr male to female thankyou
You know you can change that very easily, just click on edit icon for the Sex, and just click on the "female" radio button. then click on save.
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@Le Colte Here's the Help Article explaining how to make the change.