🎇New Person Page is Here to Stay🎇

The old person page is officially retired as has been announced for the last 3 months with the banner across the top of the page, and we will no longer have the option to toggle back and forth. Here are some of the changes:
You can also go to this knowledge article to get additional information: https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/the-new-person-page-in-family-tree
We know that there are those that are not happy with the change and we hear you; however, there were many reasons that this change had to be made from an engineering standpoint. Please remember the Code of Conduct as you post about this topic, edits will occur as necessary.
A big thank you to all those who participated in the community group which has been so valuable to this release. We appreciate all of you that have taken the time to document problems and ideas. We took all of your thoughts and comments into consideration and it helped us to make this better. We are going to keep this group open for a little bit longer. If you have constructive helpful ideas that you would like to suggest, please click on this link https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/137909/old-person-page-availability-and-feedback#latest and join the group. Please keep in mind that this group is not just to complain, it is to help us make this better if we can.
Thank you again for all your efforts and influence in the community.
Do not like new system - does not have information I need - too many steps to get to what I need - Keep the Old System - for those who are trying to improve FamilySearch
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Way to much white, unused space on person page - blinding - and need to scroll up and down repetitively to see information. Tried shrinking as much as possible but still not user friendly compared to old person page. It has more than doubled the time I spend updating and addition to vitals and family members.
The pedigree page is just fine - Please don't change!
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I would like to use the previous version, and I feel that there should be that option to still use it. I hate this new system, and I do no want to use Family Search so much because of this
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Agree, the new person updates are hard on the eyes, leave the option to go back to original layout ...
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The old "person page" is easier to navigate, and this new version confuses me and has too much information that clouds what I need to do. The previous version was good, but this new system is horrible, almost like a punishment of sorts. I do lots of genealogy, but this page is making me stop doing it. Please allow the previous version for people who WANT to use it.
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You cannot see all the information about an individual on the new person page. Everything is squished on the left and the right side of the page is blank. You can't see the life sketch and it has been renamed "About", which isn't intuitive. Names of things have changed. Can you add the option to go back to the old page. Editing things have changed. Why does something that that works great have to be changed?
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On the new person pages - by default the Brief Life History was moved to the bottom of the Details tab. But you can change that. From the Tools card in the right-hand column select My Layout Settings:
Then you can drag/drop the option in whichever order you would like the Details page to be viewed.
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Please can we Use Previous Version. Please. I need a clear working space not this picturified mess. Clean, crisp, clear. Not pretty. Working space is the key element. This has ruined that.
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FamilySearch gave early warning and even a New Person Page group here in Community to discuss changes -prior to these changes being implemented. If you did not join and give your input to the group (group created May 2022) - apparently the migration to the new page is permanent at this point.
I don't know that it wasn't/isn't possible is the reason. But the decision of FamilySearch which has been given with early warning - was to turn off the previous version today - because they were no longer updating the previous version. As with most application changes - only the current version/technology is continued developing - older version are left until no longer supported (today). This new version is very similar with some advantages over the previous version- as it is used most people will adapt quite easily (it is so similar to the previous).
There is also a new High Contrast mode that was just turned on (note the difference in Settings image above):
I would suggest for any future changes you would like - to give feedback/input at the group (join the group).
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I affirm this message. Please allow the previous version for people who want to use it. I too spend a lot of time at the FamilySearch website, and this new version is NOT user friendly. It is cluttered and clunky. We don't need more color to have a sharp, uncluttered look.
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If you don't like the About page, where you can't do any work anyway, then just jump to the Details page where everything is pretty much were it has always been. It is only the first time you go to the new pages that it puts you be default on the About tab. Go to the Details tab once and you will always start there from then on.
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The new person page is definitely not user friendly and is not hardly worth using for family history. Why the change to something so unuseful? Im not sure why the need to change. It would be nice to be able to go back to the old page. I can't imagine I'm alone in feeling this way.
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I totally agree that the new person page is horrible. Not pleasing to the eyes and hard to locate the flow of the page. The previous version is definitely more user friendly than the new page.
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Can I PLEASE, PLEASE go back to the previous "person page"?
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Why is it not possible for those of us who prefer the previous "person page" to use that format and let others use this new version?
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You can't use people's real surnames, like the last name Children, Son, Nephew, (all relatives of mine). It gives you an error message!!!! and won't allow you to do temple work. FAMILY SEARCH tells you to contact them ONE PERSON AT A TIME to do their temple work. What a pain - none of these people get their temple work done! This has been going on for years AND YOU CAN'T FIX IT?? But you can make huge changes by changing the person page view to make it clunkier, harder to use and take up more space. You never seem to fix the aggravating problems (like the really poor search ENGINE for sources. We actually have to teach people to go find the sources in Ancestry and then come back to family search to see if you can somehow find that record in the back channels of Family search. With ancestry it is one click!
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This new person page is terrible to look at and takes too long to navigate and edit. Can you go back to the old version. Many other comments have been made about this
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The underlying reason for the re-do has been stated to be that the programming tools used for the old page are going away (will no longer be supported/available). This is not something under FS's control. They did the best they could: they kept both pages available for nearly an entire year.
While they were at it with the new programming, they added several new features that were not available on the old page, most notably the ability to tag entries under Other Information with sources. I also find the new side panels for hints and the sources list to be very handy.
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Hello Hello
The new person page format is just so user UNFRIENDLY !! The aesthetics of it are just WRONG. And navigating around a person's profile, Sources, Memories, etc., well it's just put me off wanting to work on this database AT ALL.
I am personally demotivated to even make the effort to get my head around this new format. I have data cleansed over 100,000 profiles as an act of both kindness and correcting the family history of my area. No more !!
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The new format that was recently switched to is a step in the wrong direction. Your old format was much better than the new one. I was used to spending a lot of time on FamilySearch, but now I have no desire to so. I spent a lot of time learning the old format and was good at it.
It's a shame!
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Very much dislike this new person page..please keep the old version style with ability to change it as before as old version really is better than this fancy looking one...this new one hard to get around, its even hard to look at, and I dislike the computer generated synopsis of the person life as seem very generic and simplistic, better as old version to have an actual write up by ancestors of the person, its harder to see what's going on with changes, it so far seems like it will be difficult to change a wrong spouse, or wrong child attached which often is the case with those who do less research making it more difficult for those who are serious about getting the correct lines and I have seen and have corrected major mess ups and errors in research that was easily found with a little effort of which is not being done by others...i.e. 25 kids with the same name and close dob when research shows only 4 were born! I can tell right now this current version may lead to much more discouragement for those learning it and make it so complicated to correct that the errors will continue and that leads to a more frustration among users when they see lines this way. Already just before this change we have been seeing people attached with ten of the same names and no sources...meaning either they do not know how to merge under the old system which from what I can tell already was pretty easy to learn. I will keep trying this system as I can not seem to find the ability to switch it back to the original old version even thopugh it says it can be done... which again is annoying.
Again much prefer the old version....this new one does nothing, not user friendly🤔, cluttered, we need ability to get around..forget the fluff stuff, the old one had bolder format too so easier on the eyes...also if a major correction was needed....example :like the 25 false 🙄children of Henry Adams which we know if we actually read the history books written he only had 10! Ability to change the it back to old version viewing and working in should be impleted ASAP😥😉 if a productive and more accurate site is encouraged which I believe most here also would like!
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Please bring the old version back!
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FamilySearch said that after March 31st, 2023, you will be unable to view the Old Person page. Again, as genthusiast said, after long warning they have told us this will happen. Initially when this New Person page was first released, it was riddled with bugs and major functionality problems! (And at any stage in software development, programs will still be riddled with bugs and improvements that can be made!) But between then and now, major improvements have been made to the functionality of this new page. Take some time to get to know it and understand it. I feel like the community is over-exaggerating about this New Person page and haven't given serious time working with it. Just my thoughts.
As for the Brief Life History, you can change it! There is a section on the "Details" page called "Brief Life History." There you have the option to add one, write one out for the person, and publish it to the "About" page by clicking a checkbox.
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Please let me use the old format. I'm confused with this new one. I don't like it. I am not very elite in computers.
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It's definitely a step BACKWARDS!
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I agree. It is awful. Far too busy, and hard to navigate. Who is this aimed at?
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This new update is extremely cumbersome and frustrating for IPAD users. Please fix or go back to the old version. It is taking twice as long to add dates and places as the keyboard takes the whole window to input the data.
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@Kellie S. Rogers If you will join and give this constructive feedback in the New Person Page Group - I feel the issue will be addressed. Thanks for being constructive!
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The old layout was so much easier to work with...
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It appears the "NEW" Person page is now mandatory. I work Family Search 4-8 hours each and every day. This new format makes no sense ... and once I finally get use to it ... it will change again. When the fun is gone we will just quit.