FSC missing from Maryland FS Centers page

On the page https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Category:Maryland_FamilySearch_Centers, the Baltimore Inner Harbor FSC is not listed. We thank you in advance for adding us to the page.
@DanaChou Baltimore Inner Harbor FSC is listed in the map and does have a wiki page but is not listed/linked on the referenced page. I believe the wiki may allow someone to sign-in and edit that page - but someone at FamilySearch could also edit it. There is a form you can submit to edit that wiki:
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@DanaChou If you are part of that FSC it would perhaps be handy to request FamilySearch Wiki editing rights, then you could make any changes as required. (I am not connected with FamilySearch, nor do I have FS Wiki rights but edit another Wiki)
For your current requirement, if you have editing rights, all you need to do is to sign in to the Wiki page and add the wording
[[Category:Maryland FamilySearch Centers]]
to the foot of the Baltimore Inner Harbor FSC Wiki page linked by genthusiast. The wording Baltimore Maryland Inner Harbor FamilySearch Center should then automatically appear on the Category page.
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I am the FSC director and I have wiki editing rights. When I'm signed in the category page for Maryland FSCs is not editable.
MaureenE123, if your suggestion is to add wording to the Category field at the bottom of our center's wiki page, that field is also not editable for me. The FS wiki does not seem to allow what you are able to do in another wiki.
I've submitted a change form as suggested by genthusiast. Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
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It also helps to clear the familysearch.org cookies on your computer and use either Chrome or Edge when the site is not working as it should. You can clear cookies by going to familysearch.org/cookies. Hope this helps
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You may want to discuss this in the group FamilySearch Center Technical Support for Leaders and Staff
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To start editing the Wiki and with this ability to edit our local FamilySearch Centre information in the Research Wiki, click Become and Editor on the left of the wiki page and then open the form to make your request for edit rights. Look at this attach image for guidance:
Cheerio for now, Elder Beck.
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Thanks again to all who are commenting and trying to help. I've had editing rights in the wiki for 5 years. Recently Wiki Support had to fix a glitch in my access, and I can again edit my FSC wiki page. But I don't have access to edit the body of the Maryland FamilySearch Centers page where the centers are listed, to add the missing Baltimore centers. If any of you who are commenting have the ability to do this, please just go ahead and do it. That would be very appreciated.
The Maryland FamilySearch Centers page is here https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Category:Maryland_FamilySearch_Centers
The pages for the missing centers are here:
Baltimore Maryland FamilySearch Center https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Baltimore_Maryland_FamilySearch_Center
Baltimore Maryland Inner Harbor FamilySearch Centerhttps://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Baltimore_Maryland_Inner_Harbor_FamilySearch_Center
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Also, the FamilySearch Center Technical Support community group (to which I have belonged since it started) will not address this question. This is a Wiki issue, not a FamilySearch Center issue. Thanks again to all for trying to help.
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I sent in a Submit Wiki Content request to add our missing centers, assuming that none of us regular users/editors can make the needed change.
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It looks like the two centers are now on the centers list for your your state. Hooray!