Inconsistent Research Hint Count

This person detail page indicates there are 13 research hints.
When using the family tree, there is clearly (and consistently) a blue indicator that there are research hints for the same person:
Clicking on the blue indicator under the same person (first box on the left), gives you a research hint count of 5:
Shouldn't the Research count in the parentheses show 13?
This is not a whine, by far I've found it very nice to have the pop up that clears off the hint once it has been attached. Yes, I noticed. Yes, that is a wonderful thing.
Just a bit of a tweak is needed to get the total Research Hint count corrected on the popup box.
It appears that the pedigree view (both the old and the new) has a maximum of 5 on those Record Hint popups. I doubt this is entirely intentional. There is a community group for discussions about the new pedigree views; perhaps a question about this there would get the attention of the right people. (I basically never use the pedigree views, so I haven't joined the group.)
Note, however, that they may have the same initials, but "Research Help" does not equal "Record Hint". Research Help includes record hints, data problems, and research suggestions.
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The "see 3" pop-up, "show all (5)" message, and "see 5" pop-up are normal behavior. It has been like that for years, whenever there are 5 or more hints. It is nothing to do with the new person page or new pedigree view.
Those same pop-ups can be accessed from the descendancy tree view, which is where I prefer to work hints.
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I am providing links to both the New Person Page group and the Tree Pedigree Views group. You may want to ask in either of those locations @bekasu