Unlocking an old record set
Hello, can Family Search please unlock the following Italian record "Confermazioni 1827-1856 Matrimoni 1680-1730, 1757-1929 Morti 1757-1805 (Family History Library International B1 Floor Film 1732130 7961611)" for Gravago, Parma, Italy?
The youngest records on this reel, marriages that took place in 1929, are already 94 years old.
Thank you, that would be so helpful for those of us researching online ancestors from Gravago, Parma, Italy.
But it's not 100 years, and that's the privacy rule.
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The catalog record for the above is https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/436395
When I am signed in I see the catalog record for 1732130/ 7961611 with a camera image, (meaning available on home computers) and can see the records. Are you signed in? I am not a LDS Church member, so it is my understanding you should be able to see this digitised microfilm.
The privacy rule of 100 years is for baptisms, not marriages, which have a shorter period for privacy, 75 years generally.
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Thank you Maureen. You are correct, when signed in I can see those pages. However, it's this reel that seems to be locked (no camera image or icon, but the image of reel). I am sorry too as I think I provided the wrong identifier. This is the set of images I wish FamilySearch would unlock:
"Battesimi 1824-1908, 1884-1959 Confermazioni 1827" (Family History Library International B1 Floor Film 1732129 / 7961610). I would love to be able to look at the 1824-1908 baptism records, but the entire reel (set of images) is blocked or restricted from viewing. This might be because they lumped the 1884-1959 baptism records on the same reel, which is too bad because, as we know, the 1824-1908 baptisms are well over a hundred years old.
Sigh...but thank you though! Frustrating to have to wait till 2029 to see baptism records from 1824 to 1908!