How to Read Lineage Books?

I found the names I'm looking for in a town history book, but I'm not sure how to correctly read the lineage formatting. Is there a wiki page to help explain it?
I'm trying to put together the "Ames Family" on page 236 of this book:
Not every author followed the same format. There is generally a key near the front of the book that explains the author's system.
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Yeah, that's typically how I've understood them before, but there wasn't one in this book unfortunately.
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I went to look at other families listed in this book and compared them with online trees to see if I could make sense out of it.
It looks like the author uses Roman Numerals for the generations. I suspect that for these two small families the author didn't give the 'First Generation' 'Second Generation' 'Third Generation' titles that he has on other families just because they are small. I also think he changed formatting throughout the book. As it doesn't always have the same formats.
I would read the first Ames family as:
Rufus R. Ames & wife had children, Levi and Eliza Ann Starks (although Eliza might be Levi's wife)
Levi's children: John, George, Delivan, Charles, Jane, Celia, Henry and Olive.
Daniel Ames family:
Daniel Ames & wife Jane Rowley had children Albert & Ruth Ann.
Albert married a woman surnamed Hill.
Ruth Ann married Richard Warren and had children Louisa, Joanna, Mary and Elisha.
Hope this helps to sort out your family.