Updating information from a source document
- Suggestion: If data on source document (i.e., name and/or date and/or place) is better than information in the FSFT database, allow source document data to replace database data (as in person merge). The only way to update the database now is to copy and paste the update on person page. Suggestion: date and place should be separate, so either may be updated without losing other.
Unfortunately, Source Linker does not provide sufficient visibility of the existing conclusions for this to be at all a good idea.
For example, let's say that a previous contributor came to the conclusion that the birthdate on the gravestone is wrong, but he found only the year for the correct birthdate. He could carefully write this down in the reason box accompanying the birth conclusion. Now along comes a record hint based on a gravestone database, and another user goes to attach it. Source Linker shows the existing birthdate, but not the reason box. If Source Linker allowed the gravestone's birthdate to overwrite the existing (actually-correct) birthdate, it would result in an incorrect conclusion, with the previous user's careful reasoning rendered effectively invisible in the change log. The user applying the record hint would have no idea that he'd introduced an error on the profile.