altered NY birth certificate 1897
I came across a birth record online #46509 Manhattan. The date is November 4, 1897.
So far I can't match up the 2 names with that date and parents. The names involved are VanWyck and Higgins
Questions: why was it changed, who does it belong to?
Any help appreciated.
Thank you
Best Answers
If you view the record on you will see the date and kind of changes.
Since the change was made in 1966, it is possible that the change was made to confirm identity at the time of receiving a pension.
The corresponding baptismal register, from St Thomas Aquinas, shows Edward Higgins, son of John Higgins and Mary Meade. That would lead me to suspect that the reporting party, D J Murphy MD, made an error at the time of recording/reporting the birth.
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BTW - if you don't have a copy of the baptismal record, you can request, free, a copy of the page from It will take a few weeks, but it's completely free.
The images WERE available on's website, but the contract with the Archdiocese ended and was not renewed.
Thank you....I did know that Robert Anderson VanWyck was mayor of NY. Died in Paris 1918 and thought there may be a connection. Obviously not.