Unable to merge two profiles for Charlemagne LZ62-TSV and GVQ3-34V plus additional issue
I receive the following message "The merge request has failed. Please try again.". I have tried multiple times and I am not seeing anything stating this is a "read only" profile.
Frustratingly enough as well-I was working on merging his multiple wives and children and someone messaged me and asked me to stop as they were trying to prove the descendancy of someone else and wanted to keep both profiles and associated people seperate.
This is the message and translation I received-
Não faça as unificados, porque outra pessoa exclui a descendência de uma neta de Carolus, então, pelo bem da pesquisa e do trabalho de outros, é melhor manter os perfis separados!
Don't merge them, because someone else excludes the descent of a granddaughter of Carolus, so for the sake of research and the work of others, it's best to keep the profiles separate!
This person then went and reversed all of the merges I had already completed.
There are different sites to work on differing family trees than what FS is showing-my understanding is on FS the ultimate goal is to have one profile per person and creating new profiles justs muddies up the waters.
Thanks for any assistance