Over 30,000 Family Bible Records - one for YOUR Family?
In the past few years over 30,000 Family Bible records have been uploaded to FamilySearch Memories and have been person-tagged.
You can do a surname suname search for your surname of interets
using this link and replacing the word "SURNAME" with your rurname of choice you can find bibles for your surname - and then re-execute the query.
You can also check out the Family BIble Index
or the location index
If you know of family bibles that are not yet uploaded to FamilySearch - please consider uploading them. If you need help - please feel free to contact me.
these 30,000 bibles were person tagged by a team of volunteers working on the Family Bible Preservation Project - -
for more info see:
I found a microfilm that says it's Massachusetts family Bible records, but is actually a book on the history of Iowa. I can't find where to report it, so maybe someone will see it here.
This is a QR code made of the page with the problem. It isn't the only one I've found, so if I could be told where to report that sort of thing, I'd appreciate it.
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your image didnt come through
can you copy and paste the url?
is Massachusetts family Bible records - the exact title?
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also see Massachusetts Bible records here:
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I think what you were referring to is this:
However note: it says it is item THREE (3) on the microfilm
Item #1 happens to be the history of Iowa you refer to.
when you click on the little camera icon - it will simply bring up the entire set of images on the film.
YOU will need to be the one who navigates to "item 3" on the film.
I located the bible records on image 425 of the digital images
(you can type in the number at the top left of the screen and go directly to that page)
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If anyone is interested - the Project is always looking for more volunteers to participate.
Most members of the team quite enjoy the work on this project and find it more exciting, fulfilling and flexible than the typical indexing projects of FamilySearch.