Record numbers in Family Tree

Smyth MJ
The format of the record numbers is xxxx-xxx with letters and numbers used. How many record numbers can be created using that format?
The format for church membership numbers is xx-xxxx-xxxx. So 99,999,999,999 membership records may be created.
Best Answer
Thank you for taking the time to clarify this.
Someone outside of FamilySearch suggested the following:
the formula for this permutation is 36 raised to the 11th power, or 36^11. That comes to 131,622,000,000,000,000, or 131 Quadrillion 622 Trillion.
26 numbers + 10 numbers = 36.
0 -
It's rather less than that, because it's only seven digits, not 11, and PIDs don't use all 26 letters: none of them have the vowels (aeiou) or zero. So it's actually 30^7=21,870,000,000.
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