Error in my tree
Hello all, I am new here.
Excited to follow my tree. Up to and including Jacob Wells LV6Y-HL6 it is correct, compared with well documented family records. But past there, the tree follows a completely unknown branch which I'm pretty certain is incorrect. How do I correct this? Or contribute my data?
Best Answers
Welcome to FamilySearch Community.
Is your data in a tree management solution (on your computer or another website)?
If you are able to find the 'correct line' already in FamilySearch's Family Tree - you can remove the relationship to the 'incorrect line' and then link the relationship to the 'correct one' - And/Or you can go to the collaborate tab and start a discussion on the 'incorrect line' and reference the 'correct one'.
The approach you choose could depend upon how confident you are with the line you believe is correct.
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Glad to help @Bill5997. The Help Center has tons of info. You may also want to join a group such as Family History Research Strategies and/or Using the FamilySearch Website. When researching, FamilySearch Wiki has pages about researching in various locations and time periods. That is my go-to for research background. Please do not hesitate to reach out here in the Community if you need help. We have so many fabulous members that are willing to help.
Maile 🙂
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So I compiled a family tree based upon her work.
@Bill5997 It sounds like you have a lot of good groundwork already covered through her work then. Since you did compile it into a tree - is that tree on paper or in the computer? You could start a project of transferring the notes/sources from your mother's work and book into Sources/Memories on the profiles within FamilySearch Family Tree (just make sure you get the author's permission ;). Since profiles already exist - you may find that much of the sources/notes she used may also already be included - but the process can help build your basis of family knowledge from which to continue research on the lines that are unfamiliar.
My goal is to find my ancestors on the other side of the Atlantic.
I had a similar goal almost 30 years ago - still stuck in early/antebellum America as well - but have jumped the pond on a few lines.
There is a tool from BYU FHTL - RelativeFinder - I thought it would be interesting to see what it reported for relations to Jacob Wells - LV6Y-HL6 and Charles Wells - GWCS-98V (you mentioned above) - it shows they are cousins. Exploring those lines through that tool and Family Tree may help guide your path of discovery ( I hope that helps).
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People changing your family lines:
Put in the alert box for an ancestor "Do not make any changes or additions to this person without joining me on a conference call with FamilySearch".
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Personally, I keep my research in a database (RootsMagic) and then "share" what I know with FamilySearch. You will want to keep a backup of the information in case someone changes things.
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I have not worked with Legacy and have no knowledge in that area. I know that RootsMagic has a Facebook group or you can email when there are bugs or you need help troubleshooting. A google search for legacy family tree autocad brought up
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Thank you, good advice.
Yes, I have seen where "...much of that ancestry may be imaginary". Or, if not imaginary, perhaps creative guesswork. That is what I suspect when viewing another's tree that shares my ancestor.
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@dontiknowyou, there can be large swaths of ancestors without Record Hints because they're the wrong denomination or lived in the wrong place, not because they're imaginary. They will naturally have a lot fewer sources attached, too, since it's so much more work to find them.
I, too, have found erroneous information added to my family tree by someone outside of my family who doesn't know my family. I have had this problem in the past and I became so frustrated with trying to delete the erroneous information and add the correct information that i had sworn off FamilySearch because of this very situation. Now that I have come back to check again, I see that there is more erroneous information that has been added to my family tree. So, I am now back in the same situation of having to get that removed and replaced with the correct information. My question is: how can I get that information corrected and how can I prevent it from happening again in the future?
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Phyllis Abbott I know exactly what you mean. I now find that my Great grandmother was the mother of my great grandfather, and married to him too. I might be wrong there, but it's as confused as that. These Victorians are very confusing they standardly call their firstborns after themselves and named the rest of their kids after their cousins and brothers. I had resolved it all once but someone has enthusiastically shuffled everyone up again, easily done and I do admire their huge effort, it's just that it's not true. I just don't have the energy to sort it all out.
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As long as Family Tree profiles remain open-edit - the risk of information changing back to incorrect is always there. The only way to prevent it currently is add as many - Sources, source notes, Memories and notes, Discussions -as possible when removing incorrect attachments and the new Alert Note feature - so that people see your proofs for your conclusions - and hopefully realize the correctness of your attachments and do not try to change them... In your notes/discussions - if you want to be extra helpful - you could make correct Tree' attachments/families for the incorrect person(s) (correct their Tree) - and hopefully that would go a good way toward preventing reattachment.
I'd still like to see the option to submit for read-only at some point along the way. I've had some more thoughts on this and hopefully I can get aroundtuit to submitting those ideas.
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Here are a few articles from the Help Center that might be helpful:
How do I see what changes were made about a person in Family Tree?
How do I undo an incorrect change in Family Tree?
How do I undo a merge in Family Tree?
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
How can I prevent other people from making inaccurate changes to Family Tree?
Maile 🙂
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OK, thank you. Remember, this is day #1for me. A lot to learn.
Some big opportunities here.
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genthusiast asked: Is your data in a tree management solution (on your computer or another website)?
Hmmm... good question, but no good answer. My mother was an excellent genealogist, and co-authored a book on her side of the family. She also did a lot of research on my father's side. So I compiled a family tree based upon her work. What I find on FamilySearch agrees up to: Charles Wells GWCS-98V. I got some good new leads on his ancestors, (John Wells I and John Wells II) but beyond that I am dubious about the tree branch that is followed by FamiySearch. My goal is to find my ancestors on the other side of the Atlantic.
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Mailel, thank you. In the past I have used Legacy Family Tree. However, on my computers there continues to be a major glitch. I am an engineer and use AutoCad software. Somehow, Legacy doesn't play well with AutoCad. Upon starting Legacy, I get a series of error messages that say there is a problem loading AutoCad! A few days ago I tried loading the most recent Legacy software, and the problem continues. Have you heard about this issue?
Appreciate your continuing help.
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If you use the Fan Chart and turn on the Sources option, you can see at a glance that a whole swath of your ancestor's ancestors have no sources attached. Switching to the Research Helps option, you'll see there also are no historical record hints. So it looks like much of that ancestry may be imaginary.
This is not a reason to avoid FamilySearch; FamilySearch Family Tree is a work in progress and it is plain to see where work is needed.
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on my tree, My great grandmother is Mary Dee Cole. Family search says it is Mary Dale. I know for a fact, that is incorrect. How do I correct the post?
Becky Elam
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@elambje please provide a PID for Mary Dale. You might also delete the detail about how she is related to you.