Do marriage investigation records exist for Panotla, Tlaxcala, Mexico?
Hello, I am referring to the images on FamilySearch, there are some marriage investigation records from the Catholic church, but about 100 years of records are missing on FamilySearch (1787 to 1892). The marriage investigation records list the parents of the couple getting married, the other types of marriage records almost never list the parents. Do these records exist somewhere else for Panotla? If yes, where? Why are these records missing from FamilySearch?
Thank you.
The pre-1787 Marriage investigation records filed under Panotla actually appear to be from Zacatelco. Have a look at the title card on the image sets.
Thus the Marriage Investigation records for Panotla do not start until 1892. So perhaps the records were never kept prior to that?
The entry in the FamilySearch Catalog for these records has no comment about why some years are missing ( So you will need to contact either the parish or the Catholic diocesan archives and ask whether pre-1892 Marriage investigation records survive.