Is there a way of stopping the problems caused by users having multiple accounts / identities?

Although the holding of multiple accounts appears to be encouraged (especially Public / Church ones), it does create a problem relating to identification of who is making the changes we encounter to the profiles / vitals of those IDs we are working on in Family Tree.
Okay, I know I have little idea of who "stickinthemud" (made-up name) might be when I encounter their changes, but I would like to know whether or not changes that have other names against them relate to the same individual (using a further alias).
As an example, it seems a coincidence that two or three separate users have made changes to IDs in one branch of my ancestry over a period of a couple of days. As "they" do not respond to my messages, I am at a loss to know if this involves (perhaps) multiple users working on a specific project (involving early immigrant families to New England, in this case), or just the one user perhaps deliberately trying to appear as different individuals in making these inputs.
I would be interested in the thoughts of others on what I find a troubling issue.
Best Answer
Not exactly your question, @Paul W, but there is one user I've encountered who has had more than 10 different usernames/accounts over the last couple of years. I know he has been banned at least a couple of times for abuse, with staff cleaning up some of his mess. He keeps coming back with a new name and making the same messes over again.
@Paul W this is a hard one for us to police just because of the sheer number of users and way less employees with too much to do. We work with our FamilySearch data security team, who are also overloaded but do everything they can to keep us and our data safe. We don't get specific with what we do as it tells some users how to get around it.
Would you message me a few of the IDs you suspect and I will look and see what I can tell about the users?
I maintain a public and a church account but that's so I can see what a public account sees. It makes it easier for me to troubleshoot, replicate this issue, and be of help. But others may not have good intentions. If you suspect someone is up to no good, please message me their usernames and we will investigate.
Sam 🤒
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Thank you for your response, the delay in my acknowledgment being due to the different time zones!
I will go through the IDs that have caused me to raise the issue and send you a private message later today.
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It might be a while before I can get back to you because, finally I, too, have been locked out of the main site: getting the "Access denied - Error 15" message!